Make no mistake: surviving is going to be tough. Like really old beef jerky. Or the plucky, curly haired female protagonist in Zombieland.**
Speaking of movies, unlike most survival websites run by beta-males, we’re alpha-males who base our survival tips on acquired knowledge, field experience and our own extensive study of reputable disaster films.*** Each week, we’ll be providing you with a new survival video as part of our Last Man(s) On Earth webseries aimed at helping you survive in a post-world world. We’ll also regularly be posting advice to this blog, our Facebook page and via Twitter, so pay attention.
“What kind of survival advice will we be offering?” you ask. Don’t ask questions. It shows weakness.
“But does it really?” you complain. That’s another question. Stop it, weakling.
Now before you embarrass yourself with further inquiries, let’s cut to the chase. Want to know more about us, our show, and how we can help you be one of the .01 percent to survive? Check out our videos on our YouTube Channel or click on the link above.**** You're welcome.
*it will be.
**turns out, that’s a guy.
***alien movies don’t count.
****and read our About Us section.
Now if you haven't already, view our video above then come back this spot.
We'll wait...
Welcome back! Now time for video two -- our debut survival tip: Accumulating Weapons.
Weapons accumulation is a basic, but necessary component to survival. How do we know? History.
Since ancient times, man has sought to stockpile weapons to defend against his foe; be it wild beasts or other men. You'll need to do the same. The good news is that weapons are all around us, even if we don’t realize it.
That old weedwhacker in the garage? Weapon. That can of Raid under the sink? Weapon. That gun in your glove box? Weapon.
Other unassuming objects can serve as weapons as well. Is a desk lamp dangerous? Yes, when its electric current is harnessed to zap a zombie.
Is that tree branch in the yard dangerous? It is when shaved into a spear.
Are those ratty shoelaces dangerous? Trying telling the infected attacker you just strangled they’re not.
You need to take advantage of all the natural weapons you have at your disposal. Then begin strategically hiding them in places you frequent.
In a post-world world, you’ll never know when you’ll be attacked. But you can know where you’ve stashed your accumulated weapons.
1 comment:
Hey, guys. This is good, funny (though serious, of course) stuff! Keep it coming.
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